Personalized Learning Academy Bk
In the Personalized Learning Academy (PLA), we celebrate the uniqueness of every student. Recognizing that no two learners are the same, we champion the individuality of each child, celebrating their distinct paths. With the guidance of our dedicated teachers and a variety of curriculum options catering to individual learning styles, students and parents co-create their academic journey. Central to the PLA experience is our emphasis on community building and enrichment opportunities tailored to meet every student’s distinctive needs. We foster connections through Sage Oak socials, field trips, online Oakschool classes, in-person art and physical education classes, and our annual college and career fair.
The TK-8 Personalized Learning Academy offers a wide variety of curriculum options to meet each student’s individual needs. Our Sage Oak teachers will work with parents and students to choose high-quality math, language arts, science, and social studies curricula to prepare the students for future success. Curriculum can vary between hands-on, project-based, traditional textbook style, school-provided online subscriptions, and online classes. Students are required to take local and state testing as assigned.
Sage Oak Select Curriculum
Math and ELA
For math and English language arts, the core of a student’s curriculum must be chosen from the approved list. The use of a supplemental curriculum is encouraged in order to support students’ personalized learning plans. If you have questions or need clarification on how to personalize, please reach out to your teacher.
- Curriculum from a state-adopted curriculum publisher
- Amplify (K-8)
- Art of Problem Solving (5-8)
- Beast Academy (1-5)
- Everyday Math – McGraw Hill (K-6)
- Go Math! (K-6)
- High School Math Live – pre-pre algebra and pre-algebra (6-8)
- i-Ready (K-8)
- Khan Academy (K-8)
- Live Online Math – pre-pre algebra and pre-algebra (6-8)
- Math in Focus (K-5)
- Math Mammoth light blue series (1-7)
- Miss Crady the Math Lady (3-8)
- MobyMax (K-8)
- Moving Beyond the Page (K-5 only)
- Mr. D Math – preparing for algebra and pre-algebra (6-8)
- Oak Meadow (K-8)
- Right Start Math (K-8)
- Saxon Intermediate (3-5)
- Saxon (K-3) (4-8)
- Saxon Math Courses 1, 2, 3 (6-8)
- Singapore Math – All Primary Math versions (K-6)
- Singapore Math – Dimensions Math (K-8)
- Thinkwell Math (6-8)
- Williamsburg Academy (6-8)
- Zearn (K-7)
- Saavas (formerly Pearson) Envision Math (K-8)
- CA Common Core State Standards – Math
Foundational Skills (Phonics)
- Curriculum from a state-adopted curriculum publisher
- All About Reading (K-4)
- Barton – Bright Solutions – prerequisite (K-8)
- Blackbird & Co. (K-8)
- Bookshark (K-8)
- Explode the Code/Beyond the Code (K-4)
- Happy Cheetah Reading (K-2)
- i-Ready (K-8)
- IEW Primary Arts of Language: Reading (K-2)
- Jolly Phonics (K-2)
- Logic of English- Essentials & Foundations (K-8)
- Memoria Press – Charter Site (K-2)
- MobyMax (K-8)
- Moving Beyond the Page (K-8)
- My View Literacy – homeschool bundle only (K-5)
- Oak Meadow (K-8)
- Plaid Phonics (K-6)
- Sage Oak Core Online Courses and/or Self-Paced Syllabi
- Touchphonics (K-5)
- Zaner Bloser – Superkids Reading Program (K-2)
- Zoo Phonics (K-1)
Informational Text
- Curriculum from a state-adopted curriculum publisher
- Achieve 3000 Literacy (2-8)
- Amplify ELA (6-8)
- Bookshark (K-8)
- BrainPop (K-8)
- Daily Reading Comprehension – Evan Moor (1-8)
- Great Books Nonfiction Inquiry (2-5)
- iReady (K-8)
- Jane Ervin Reading Comp (2-8)
- MobyMax (K-8)
- Moving Beyond the Page (K-8)
- My View Literacy – homeschool bundle only (K-5)
- Prestwick House Reading Informational Text (7-8)
- Read Theory – free (K-8)
- Reading A-Z (K-6)
- Reading for Informational Text – Evan Moor (1-6)
- Sage Oak Core Online Courses and/or Self-Paced Syllabi
- Sage Oak Informational Text Syllabi
- Sage Oak ELA Personalized Syllabi
- Scholastic Informational Texts for Striving Readers (3-5)
- Williamsburg Academy (6-8)
- Zaner Bloser – Superkids Reading Program (K-2)
*History/Science Curricula – contact teacher with questions
- Curriculum from a state-adopted curriculum publisher
- Amplify ELA (6-8)
- Blackbird & Co (K-8)
- Bookshark (K-8)
- Brave Writer (K-8)
- Essentials in Writing (1-8)
- Evan Moor – 6-Trait Writing (1-8)
- Logic of English- Foundations (K-2)
- Memoria Press- Charter Site (2-8)
- Michael Clay Thompson (3-8)
- Moby Max (K-8)
- Moving Beyond the Page (K-8)
- My View Literacy (K-5)
- Oak Meadow (K-8)
- Sage Oak ELA Personalized Syllabi
- Step Up to Writing (K-8)
- Williamsburg Academy (6-8)
- Winning with Writing (1-8)
- WriteAtHome (6-8)
- Write On! Webb (3-8)
- Write Shop (K-8)
- Writing with Ease (K-5)
- Writing with Skill (6-8
- Zaner Bloser – Superkids Reading Program (K-2)
Printing/Handwriting, Literature Studies, Vocabulary, Spelling, Grammar
These components are required and grade-level specific but there is no required curriculum list at this time.
Science, History, Electives, and ELA (Grammar, Vocabulary, Literature, Spelling Handwriting)
For science, history, electives, and English language arts (specifically handwriting, literature/spelling, vocabulary/grammar), there is no required list of curricula to choose from. The below lists are recommendations.
- Amplify (K-8)*
- Bookshark (K-8)*
- Bring Science Alive! (K-8)*
- Building Blocks of Science (K-5)*
- California INSPIRE Science (6-8)*
- Elemental Science(K-8)
- Evan Moor (K-6)
- Focus on Science (K-8)
- Generation Genius (K-8)
- Moby Max (K-8)
- Moving Beyond the Page (K-8)
- My Pals Are Here – Singapore Science (K-8)
- Mystery Science (K-5)*
- Nancy Larson Science (K-5)
- Oak Meadow (K-8)*
- REAL Science Odyssey (K-8)
- Sage Oak Core Online Courses and/or Self-Paced Syllabi (6-8 only)
- Studies Weekly (K-6)*
- Supercharged Science (K-8)
- The Concord Consortium (K-8)
- The Wonder of Science (K-8)*
- Williamsburg Academy (6-8)
- Bookshark – World History (K-8)*
- CHSSP – UC Davis (K-8)
- Discovering Our Past- McGraw Hill (6-8)*
- Evan Moor (K-6)
- History Alive! (6-8)*
- History Odyssey
- History Quest (K-5)/History Odyssey (6-8)
- History of US (5-8)*
- Impact – McGraw Hill (K-5)*
- Layers of Learning (1-8)
- Mapping the World with Art (5-8)
- MobyMax (K-8)
- Moving Beyond the Page (K-8)
- Oak Meadow (K-8)*
- Sage Oak Core Online Courses and/or Self-Paced Syllabi (6-8 only)
- Sage Oak PBL History Syllabi
- Social Studies Alive! (K-5)*
- Studies Weekly (K-8)*
- The Classical Historian /Take a Stand! (6-8)
- The Story of the World (1-8)
- US History Detective Book 1/Book 2 (8th)
- Voices and Perspectives – McGraw Hill (6-8)*
- Williamsburg Academy (6-8)
- CA Common Core State Standards – History
- Artistic Pursuits (K-8)
- Atelier (K-8)
- Classics for Kids – music (K-2)
- Drawing with Children (1-8)
- Meet the Masters (K-8)
- BrainPop (3-8)
- Code for Teens (6-8)
- Coding “Dummies Junior” (2-6)
- CompuScholar (6-8)
- District Computer Science Curriculum (K-8)
- DK Children’s Computing and Coding (K-5)
- Girls Who Code (3-8)
- Scratch (3-8)
- Simply Coding (3-8)
- Usborne Coding Books (K-5)
- CA Common Core State Standards – Art
- CA Common Core State Standards – Computer Science
ELA (Grammar, Vocabulary, Literature, Spelling Handwriting)
- Amplify (6-8)
- Analytical Grammar (4-8)
- Blackbird & Co One True Sentence (3-8)
- Bookshark (K-8)
- BrainPop (K-8)
- Daily Grams/Easy Grammar (1-8)
- Editor in Chief (2-8)
- Evan Moor Daily Language Review (1-8)
- Evan Moor Grammar & Punctuation (1-6)
- First Language Lessons (1-4)
- Fix it! Grammar by IEW (4-8)
- Grammar Ace (4-7)
- Grammar for the Well-Trained Mind (5-8)
- Growing with Grammar/Jackris (1-8)
- Happy Cheetah Reading (K-2)
- Jolly Grammar (1-6)
- Logic of English- Essentials (3-8)
- Logic of English- Foundations (K-2)
- Memoria Press – charter site (2-8)
- Michael Clay Thompson (3-8)
- MobyMax (K-8)
- Moving Beyond the Page (K-8)
- Oak Meadow (K-8)
- Well-Ordered Language (3-8)
- Williamsburg Academy (6-8)
- Zaner Bloser- GUM (2-8)
- Amplify (6-8)
- Blackbird & Co (K-8)
- Blackbird & Co/Operation Lexicon (5-8)
- Bookshark (6-8)
- English from the Roots Up (2-8)
- Evan Moor Daily Language (1-8)
- Happy Cheetah Reading (K-2)
- Logic of English- Essentials (3-8)
- Logic of English- Foundations (K-2)
- Michael Clay Thompson (3-8)
- MobyMax (K-8)
- Moving Beyond the Page (K-8)
- Oak Meadow (K-8)
- Spectrum (3-6)
- Vocabulary-Classical Roots (4-8)
- Williamsburg Academy (6-8)
- Word Roots (3-8)
- Wordly Wise 3000 (K-8)
- Zaner Bloser Vocabulary (K-8)
Evan Moor – Daily Handwriting (K-6)
IEW Primary Art of Lang Writing Pkg (K-2)
Learning Without Tears- all products (K-5)
Logic of English- Foundations (K-2)
Memoria Press – charter site (2-8)
The Rhythm of Handwriting (3-8)
Zaner-Bloser Handwriting (K-8)
Reading for Literature
- All About Reading (K-4)
- Amplify (6-8)
- Beyond the Code (2-4)
- Blackbird and Co. (K-8)
- Bookshark (6-8)
- Essentials in Literature (7-8)
- Great Books (K-8)
- iReady (K-8)
- Logic of English – Essentials (3-8)
- Logic of English – Foundations (K-2)
- Memoria Press – charter site (2-8)
- Michael Clay Thompson (3-8)
- MobyMax (K-8)
- Moving Beyond the Page (K-8)
- Novel Ties (K-8)
- Oak Meadow (K-8)
- Williamsburg Academy (6-8)
- All About Spelling (K-8)
- Amplify (6-8)
- Barton – prerequisite (K-8)
- Bookshark (6-8)
- Evan Moor-Building Spelling Skills (1-6)
- IEW Phonetic Zoo (3-8)
- Logic of English- Essentials (3-8)
- Logic of English- Foundations (K-2)
- Memoria Press (1-3)
- MobyMax (K-8)
- Moving Beyond the Page (K-8)
- Oak Meadow (K-8)
- Soaring with Spelling (1-8)
- Spelling Workout (1-8)
- Williamsburg Academy (6-8)
- Zaner Bloser Spelling Connections (K-6)
- Zoo Phonics (K-1)
- CA Common Core State Standards – English Language Arts
Curriculum Guide Tool
Our interactive curriculum tool is designed for parents to support their children’s individualized learning journey. This tool provides tailored curricula lists based on each student’s unique interests and learning styles.
Curriculum Guide ToolBasic School Supply List
The Personalized Learning Academy provides basic school supplies from our approved Amazon list.
Approved Amazon List