Special Education
Special Education
At Sage Oak, we are committed to serving all students, including those with special needs. We partner with the Sonoma County Charter SELPA, and for students without identified special needs who are experiencing academic challenges, Sage Oak implements a multi-tiered approach to supporting students through the Student Success Team (SST) process by providing research-based supports/interventions at various levels based on each student’s needs within the general education environment. Special education and related services are available to students found eligible as part of a Free and Appropriate Public Education.
If you have a student who receives special education services, please review this Notice of Procedural Safeguards to understand the special education rights of both parents and students. If at any time, parents/guardians or a member of the school team have concerns regarding a student’s academic progress or suspect that a disability is impacting a student’s ability to adequately progress within the general education curriculum, they can contact Sage Oak at 888-435-4445.