PAGE STEM: Wild Worlds – Zoo Habitat Design (7th-8th Grade) (Quarter 4)

Students will embark on a captivating journey through the world of zoology and design. Beginning with engaging observations of zoo enclosures and generating thought-provoking questions, participants hone their observational skills and develop a deep understanding of animal behavior and habitat needs. They then transition into the exploration phase, practicing the art of designing habitats that meet the unique requirements of zoo animals. Throughout the course, students advance through the stages of learning: explaining their chosen zoo animal through detailed research, elaborating on their understanding by brainstorming and designing a tailored zoo enclosure, and evaluating their knowledge and creativity through a final presentation.
**Prerequisite: Must be at or above grade level in math and science

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Course Information

  • Teacher: Rueckner, Jamie
  • Cost: $75
  • Quarter: q4