Welcome to our 5th grade math class! We will dive into the Singapore Math curriculum, which emphasizes a concrete-pictorial-abstract approach. Students will develop a strong foundation in number sense, operations, geometry, measurement, and data analysis. Through engaging activities and problem-solving tasks, students will be encouraged to think mathematically, make connections, and apply their knowledge in real-life situations. A variety of interactive methods will be used, including quizzes, projects, presentations, and observations. Regular feedback will also be provided to students and parents, highlighting areas of growth and areas that require further attention. Together, we will explore, discover, and grow as mathematicians!
Please note this enrollment is for the full year (Quarters 1-4). Bonus: With a full year enrollment all of the curriculum is included at no extra cost of Instructional Funds! Non-consumable curriculum items are to be returned at the end of the school year. Also, please note that this class will meet 2 times per week.