Sage Oak Blog: Creating a Culture of Impact Players

Thought Partners

Sage Oak Blog: Creating a Culture of Impact Players

What is Thought Partners?

In today’s fast-paced world, when leaders prioritize their employees and invest in their growth and development, it can significantly impact the organization’s overall success. Thought Partners, facilitated by Larry King, Director of Community Outreach and Charter Development, was designed to create a time and space for administrators and managers to engage in learning and growth through a collaborative environment. The Thought Partners group, composed of over 40 leadership team members, meets monthly via Zoom to discuss a chapter of the book Impact Players by Liz Wiseman. This connection fosters a culture of open communication and collaboration in a professional development format and demonstrates a commitment to nurturing a growth mindset. 

Sage Oak Charter Schools understand that a healthy and motivated workforce leads to increased productivity, creativity, and results. As we continue with our journey of the Thought Partners leadership series, with group discussions of the book Impact Players by Liz Wiseman, the leadership team has focused on adaptability, creativity, and the ability to learn and grow as a leader. The book speaks to the importance of taking calculated risks, embracing challenges, and being proactive in the face of change. By focusing on these principles, the leadership team is creating a supportive and empowering environment for their employees. 

What drives high-level performance?

Leaders that create a positive environment in which people feel a sense of purpose and belonging establish an impactful culture within their organization. The value placed on collaboration and inclusion ultimately reduces negative effects. In the past several sessions of Thought Partners, habits of an impact player mindset were discussed. Liz Wiseman provides actionable steps that individuals can take to develop their leadership skills, manage change and drive positive results. Investing in the development of an individual’s work habits and coaching techniques, help improve the outcome of meaningful work, and promotes a sense of purpose that ultimately leads to greater opportunities and success.

Developing Habits Along the Way

Potential obstacles and misleading information can often impact decision-making and affect the progress of an organization. Learning how to recognize and effectively handle decoys and distractions in a work environment has been an imperative component of our Thought Partners leadership series. As an added layer, participants were challenged to make personal commitments to examine their leadership styles, strengths, and weaknesses and adjust their reactions according to the habits outlined in the book. 

Promoting Well-being

A key component of the Thought Partners Leadership series is allowing our leaders the space to learn, reflect, and connect with their peers. In addition, incorporating mindfulness activities into this professional development has added value to each session. Mindfulness practices have been shown to have many benefits for individuals, including greater emotional regulation, improved focus, and concentration, and reduced stress and anxiety. In a digital world where distractions are abundant, taking a moment to be quiet and mindful can be especially valuable. Beginning the Thought Partners’ discussions, with a mindfulness activity allows participants to reset and be fully present and engaged, open to new ideas, and better equipped to make informed decisions and lead with purpose.